Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Commitment Phobia Awareness Day from a recovering commitment-phobe.

The irony of commitment is that it's deeply liberating--in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life.

-Anne Morriss

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

a post about bacteria

So today I was attempting to check out my bacteria under the microscope (yes, I finally coaxed them into growing) and it was giving me some grief. The bacteria I’m working with produces this stuff called green fluorescent protein, so to see if it’s alive and well I look for little fluorescing specks. I was getting frustrated, decided maybe it was too bright to see my bugs, so I turned off the light and continued searching for any sign of life.

Then I saw a little speck of light! Hallelujah! Using my mad microscope skills, I slowly brought the field into focus, and can I just tell you… it was beautiful. Really. All those little bacteria, fluorescing like crazy on a black background, looked just like a billion sparkling stars.

Stars and bacteria. Completely opposite things. But both are kind of amazing.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

And now, a few lists.

Things the World Needs Less Of:
-Geico commercials. Seriously, I hate ‘em all.
-Those cutesy blogs where really trendy girls post close up pics of their food.
-Jeggings. So unattractive.
-My use of sarcasm to compensate for being introverted.
- Freakin bacteria that WONT GROW EVEN WHEN I GIVE IT EVERYTHING IT COULD POSSIBLY WANT! Not that this is a sensitive subject or anything.

Things the World Needs More Of:
-Erlenmeyer flasks. So useful.
-Disney Land. Sorry if you’re one of those “I’m too mature for that kind of thing” haters, but I dearly love the Happiest Place on Earth.
-Bluebird chocolate’s Melti-Mints
-Christmas lights. I recently learned that Christmas lights at any other time are called “Event Lights.”
-Aggie Basketball
-People who wash their hands.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

First one, baby. yeeeah.

I used to think that to have a blog, you either had to have 1) an adorable child 2) tons of amazing thoughts that you were capable of clearly expressing in writing, or 3) a really exciting life. However, it was recently brought to my attention by a few of my dearest friends that you don’t actually have to have any of these things to have “blog.”

Well, I have no brilliant ideas, my life is boring, I only say witty things once in a while and usually by accident, and I definitely do not have a kid. But because I’m always looking for new and exciting ways to waste my time on the interwebs, I now have a blog too.

Also because I’m a social conformer.

Seriously, this is going to be awesome.