Wednesday, April 4, 2012

to do list

Tomorrow I will:

- Do brain surgery on 5 mice, ever so carefully drilling a tiny hole in their skull, injecting stuff into their ventricle, and then gluing it all shut.
- Teach a class full of students about the amazingness of their kidneys. This week's lab is going to be especially fun. Ever seen the faces of undergrads when you inform them they have to work with their own urine? Lots and lots of fun.

- Turn 24 years old.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

She's baaaaack....

Chelsea is the one on the left. I am the one on the right, clutching my super important sticks in one hand

while subtly strangling Chelsea with the other. I was always good at multi-tasking.

Tomorrow, Chelsea gets back from an 18-month religious sabbatical in Guatemala. I'm still convinced she went just to improve her standing in the Favorite Child competition, but that's a discussion for a different day.

So...welcome home Chelsea! I really don't have anything else to say. I was going to make a chart (yay charts!) depicting the shared and distinct traits between the two of us, but the only things I could think to put in the chart was:

Meredith (only):
- Can do math
- Generally calm

Chelsea (only):
- Can name all the members of the Supreme Court
- Speaks Spanish

- Bad eye-sight

It was a really boring Venn diagram.

Also, remember how you asked me to check your emails and Facestalk while you were gone? Yeah.... I may or may not have been super dilligent about that.

Anyways, welcome back :)