Wednesday, March 28, 2012

She's baaaaack....

Chelsea is the one on the left. I am the one on the right, clutching my super important sticks in one hand

while subtly strangling Chelsea with the other. I was always good at multi-tasking.

Tomorrow, Chelsea gets back from an 18-month religious sabbatical in Guatemala. I'm still convinced she went just to improve her standing in the Favorite Child competition, but that's a discussion for a different day.

So...welcome home Chelsea! I really don't have anything else to say. I was going to make a chart (yay charts!) depicting the shared and distinct traits between the two of us, but the only things I could think to put in the chart was:

Meredith (only):
- Can do math
- Generally calm

Chelsea (only):
- Can name all the members of the Supreme Court
- Speaks Spanish

- Bad eye-sight

It was a really boring Venn diagram.

Also, remember how you asked me to check your emails and Facestalk while you were gone? Yeah.... I may or may not have been super dilligent about that.

Anyways, welcome back :)