Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Once apon a time, it snowed. And then all the freaking TREES fell on all the freaking POWERLINES!!!** Which brings us to today's topic:

Random person: "Hey Meredith, what do you think it's like to live in a refrigerator? "

Me: "Oh, you naive random person, I don't wonder; I know."

Let me tell you what it's like:

It's cold and dark and there's no internet or hot food or running water and you sleep wearing a hoodie and socks and maybe even your jeans just so they'll be warm in the morning. (Stop judging me!)

But! If you're lucky enough to be a grad student who lives in a refrigerator, at least you can escape the dark coldness for the well lit, internet-supplied haven of your lab! And while there, though you can't seem to generate any data that may actually lead to your academic progression, you can generate graphs such as the following:

Stay tuned to see my upcoming data on the weakening of my mental state as a function of days spent without electricity!

**Seriously, how was this not anticipated by the lovely people at Connecticut Light & Power?